Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Can u still see me?

Life is going fast and it is difficult not to loose the balance of soul and heart.
Tokyo is seductive.. When you expect it the least, it embraces you quickly with a life full of enjoyment, it lets you step on the ladder of greed: you want to climb higher and higher without carring where the ladder leads to.. you just don`t watch out for a moment and you already forgot where you came from.. your friends, which you left behind at the init of the ladder, are already out of sight for you...
I have to open my eyes much wider than I thought. Open them to realize that I already stepped on this ladder. The greed for enjoyment, excitment can be strong.. It is not wrong to enjoy all these things Tokyo gives to me, but not for the sake loosing my way and my origin.
I hope all of you step on your personal ladder carefully, always getting straight where you came from and who your friends are.
I will open my eyes, hoping not to loose you out of sight....


Tuesday, September 27, 2005

trip down memory lane

Hey all you party sausages out there in Germany! I really miss the great action we had together! But be sure, I`ll be back! This post is only for you, so put on some piano music, dimm down the light, lean back and enjoy :) be continued

1...2..3.. Gsuffa...Prost!


Yo mei, do soch oinr s ko ned zuenfdig sei! !

Finally, I got wasted with good german beer! Hell, I was missing this special kind of hangover the next day...

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

... no idea who these people are!? I must have been drunk when I made the picture.. Well, looks like everybody enjoyed ;)

@home cooking party

Dewa, the guy in the middle had birthday, so we made a "eat like a horse" - Spaghetti Party... Also he showed us -as soon as he was drunk- his great ChaChaCha Dance skills.. hehe Umai!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

yeah, my little crazy Hiroshima Kezai friends... don`t stop get wasted guys, more soon I will join your drinking bout!

This is Shizuka, the "angel" of the ITM department. She is always even-tempered and makes me feeling even more comfortable at DCJ.. Thanks Shizuka for your kindness!

Jazz Night in Shinjuku! I went with some nice (yeah girls, it`s always a pleasure to hang out with you) ladies from my company to a absolute amazing Jazz Event.. great music to let one`s mind wander...

Kanako and her friend! Mmmhhh, that was a delicious night. We went to a japanese restaurant in Ebisu having a lot of great food.. and, for sure, a lot of beer...

Party@Yellow Club. Here some friends from Hiroshima which I joined to make some party. Aichan (girl on the right) is a absolut talented House DJane. Aichan, mata asobi ni ikimasho ne :)

Monday, September 19, 2005


Decadence at its best! I thought I already reached zenith of what I call an amazing weekend. But hell, this one was far beyond what I ever expected. I have been invited to an exclusive Fashion Show in the most amazing lounge I have ever seen. At about 100 to 200 invited only guests came to the show .The lounge is a real eye candy, have a look on your own: (check out the intro) I met some cool and famous people there, Champagne for free, great House music (performed by a beautiful DJane) and amazing models performing the show.. The next day I woke up I wasn’t sure if it was only a dream, but when Greg called me that I should have a look at a Japanese TV channel where the guy who was sitting next to us at the party yesterday was just moderation, I knew it was for sure no dream.. .

the VIP room...

..beautiful ladies around

..and fashionable guys

the organizer of this event
thanks for the invitaton!

Check out the homepage of the AVGVST stuff members shown here at the picture. The guy in the middle (Koshino san) is make up artist, his work his awesome!

Beach time Babe!!

First of all: SushiAction goes international, more and more japanese and people from other countries start reading my blog, therefore I will try forming somewhat legible out of my poor english... Well, like I mentioned before: Beach time Babe! I went to Fujisawa city to have some fun on the beach.. Suprisingly there was not only one beach court, there were 15 of them, hell, I felt like a child in a big toy shop.. 3 guys, 2 (japanese) girls, hell of fun! Even a old guy came to us making pictures for us and printing them for us at home. He was so much worried if we have fresh panties after finishing the beach action, that he also offered some fresh (own made??) panties to the girls. Hehe… A really professional guy! To be sure that the panties would fit the size of the girls he wanted to make some close up pictures of the girls... Hell, in Croatia he`d better run fast..
At the second day I went alone to the beach, meeting some Volleyball freaks and beating the hell out of each other all day long… Marko the Browny is back, with a healthy looking cancer red nose.. J On returning home I was so lucky again, my sandals broke and there was no shop around to buy some new ones, so the guy who was playing volleyball with me gave me his sandals and drove me also to the train station to say good bye. Thanks Koichiro! Another proof of japanese great kindness…
@Kanako: thnx for the ride and the great time at the beach
@Roman: wow, I really remember your name ;)
@Greg: man, I’ll call you from now on the hairy monster

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

phone number

Auf mehre Anfragen hin hier meine Handynummer in Japan: 090-6656-5760 Glaube mit der Vorwahl 01026 faehrt man ziemlich billig, so um die 12 Cent die Minute. Checkt das aber auf jeden nochmal, kommt auch auf die Uhrzeit drauf an....

Und noch ein kleiner Hinweis ein meine ach so witzigen Freunde: Ich kenne euch, meine kleinen Pappenheimer, denkt ja nicht Ihr koennt mich nachts aus meinen suessen Traeumen reisen! wenn, dann mach ich das hoechstens mit Euch ;)

Friday, September 02, 2005

Yeah, back to the roots. Dieses Bild hat mich heute erreicht... Das ist meine alte Kezai Uni-Gang. Falls Ihr Euch absolut kaputt saufen wollt, seid Ihr bei dieser Sau(f)bande genau richtig ;) Hier habe meine absolut derbsten Abstuerze erlebt... und wer mich kennt, die koennen manchmal doch ein wenig ausarten.. HrHr... daiki! shashin o arigato! sugoi minna to matta asobu ni ikitai yo!!!! jaa, kanpai. zehi, mata hiroshima ni kuru yo @bakabon: mada wisky ga daisuki?? ;)