Monday, October 31, 2005

und es gibt sie doch!

Man, ich dachte immer nur es waere ein Geruecht, ein Maerchen, ein viel zu schoenes Maerchen, um war zu sein! Doch heute morgen, im Zug, da ist es passiert. Dieser Anblick, diese Transparenz, die Kurven, der schwarze Schluepfer der durchschimmerte...
Also Greg, ab sofort moechte ich nicht mehr an deinen Worten zweifeln, es gibt sie also doch, die super scharfen Business - Schnitten in absolut transparenten, enganliegenden Roeckchen..
hehe, Tokyo, immer wieder fuer eine (erregende) Ueberraschung gut..

Friday, October 28, 2005

Wie Assi!

Oh man, gibt es was mehr assliges?? Es ist Freitag Nacht, ich hab derbst einen sitzen, und wo bin ich?? In der DaimlerChrysler Japan Zentrale vor meinem Laptop.. war bis grad eben aus, hab mir uebelst einen reingeleert und hab jetzt keinen Bock mehr.. Taxi zu teuer, kein Zug.. naja, irgendein Depp von der Security hat mich reingelassen, werd mich also nun unter meinen Schreibtisch schmiegen und gediegen da abratzen, wo ich sowieso fast jeden Tag abhaeng.. na dann Prost und gute Nacht.
der angepisste Marko

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Hey, just found a report about the crazy AWA Party @ Velours


Saturday, October 08, 2005


Yeah,昨日友だちとWolfgangPuckCafe飲みに行った。。 二時間すごい飲み過ぎて、 荒唐無稽なことを言った! HEHE、でも、楽しかったよ!
一番左のかれはGREG、ギリシャ人。この次のはIGOR、ちょっと前に日本に来た。Be warned, we will rock Tokyo ;-)

Yeah, gestern gings ab in Roppongi, all you can drink for 2 hours, and hell, these two hours seemed endless for me... So I got badly overdrunk, but in the end I woke up in my bed the next morning and everything was cool :) From the left: Greg the Greek, Igor the Insane and Marko the Maniac!

PS: To be able to read the japanese letters, you have to change the language code of your browser to japanese ...

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Yesterday there was an absolutely awesome Gig from Hiromi (MIX, u can find the link to her page in the sidebar) and Misato at the Heartland Bar. Cool house music and easy going saxophone sounds combined with the great voices of the two girls. Honestly, it was my best night at Heartland so far, and I had already a lot of them there :)

@Misato: at the beginning you’ve been sooo nervous, but happily you found some magic potion against it.. hehe, drunker! ;)

@Mix: once again, great voice, great song, great smile :) thanks for this nice evening

@sorry, dunno your name bro: hell, why can’t be every Japanese as easy going as you? Cool gig!

Party on!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Some little guessing balderdash

Every morning I wake up and am aware of the coming horror I will experience more soon.. Bruises, deep hits and many more torments are waiting for me, I know I cannot escape. Once I entered the site of crime, there is no escape. Helpless I am stuck, thrilled by the asynchronous movements of the mass, unable to pit myself against the forces of flow… I am caught in a crossfire of various flavors - some sweet, some herb, some pushy. Happily every now and then a fresh breeze reaches my head and for a short moment I feel released by the pressure around me...

I tried to make a picture of the scene for a better imagination, I am not sure if it is really a help to you :) Well, what do you think I am talking about?

PS: I have no idea if actually someone is reading my blog.. Well, this seems to be a good opportunity to find it out ;)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Beach time the 2nd (Fujisawa)

It is already October, but still it is the perfect time for hanging out at the beach, trying not to move for hours and get a huge sunburn.. I did not come just for fun to the beach... I had a mission: To defeat the waves my my new learned technice of deadly fist fighting.. and hell, I gave them a beating. But I didn`t wanted to be too mean, so Neptun and me agreed to a draw.. but next time, Neptun, there will be no mercy from my side! Ok, after I finished my heroic fight for the collective good I started some beach volleyball action with some japane freaky boys...