Thursday, March 09, 2006

おしぐらんご Oshigurango


二君国はその間にファイトしました。 そのファイトの事はこのごろ競争でやっています。


I was in Year 2004 with my study colleagues and my teacher in Kasaoka city to participate in a traditional boat race. Since 800 years this event takes places. It is said that in former times two kingdoms fighted for the city. To remember the history, every year the Oshigurango boat race takes place. I stayed at the majors house, got some practice in boat racing and then we did the fight. It was absoluty amazing. The fundoshi between my ass was a real pain to my ass, but somehow I managed to survive :D


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Haha, cool pics!
Keep writing, so that we all know that you are alive over there ;-D
Karolina came back to Tokyo last week! She's gonna stay longer this time.. Miss you!!

6:06 PM  

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